Anabolic steroids pros and cons
Because of this, management of disease with steroids is often a balancing act, where doctor and patient must weigh the pros and cons of extended steroid use and decide on the best course of action, such as treatment with a new drug. The key, says Jansson, is to recognize that the patient's response to the drug(s) he or she is taking is not just a test for steroid-related health improvements, but may actually be an indicator that it was a bad choice in the first place. "This is often difficult given the common misconception that if an individual is on steroids and his or her serum testosterone or estradiol are high enough, it means they are healthy," he says, anabolic steroids qatar.
And this means it is vital for doctors to understand not just when the drug(s) their patients are taking are helping them, but why: Does it have some unknown beneficial effect that can't be explained or can be explained by something else, pros and cons of steroids in sports? Does it help with other medical conditions they may have, like metabolic syndrome, for instance, pros of steroids? Jansson and his colleagues at the University of Turku say it is important to look more at the patient's response to steroid treatment and to evaluate it to see if it is simply an indicator of the severity of his or her condition: "We need very clear information because once you start giving your patients [steroid] drugs, the assumption is that their body won't tolerate less or more—and that could be wrong."
But even if the response is clear—even after all of patients have gone through long periods of use without causing an adverse reaction—it still doesn't necessarily mean they are off steroids permanently, anabolic steroids quizlet. "The question is if they are cured, and this is something that may depend on the individual, and it often does not lead to a cure," says Jansson, anabolic steroids cons pros and.
He adds that one of the key considerations to making sure patients get off steroids is the effect their lifetime use has on their sex drive, anabolic steroids prices in south africa. Steroids are not designed to restore fertility. "They are a steroid which has been used to increase fat-free mass. They will not do that," says Jansson, pros and cons of trenbolone. "I think this is a significant thing to think about."
But some physicians aren't convinced: "It depends what the definition of a 'cure' is," says Richard I, side effects of steroids. Martin, MD, a clinical associate professor of radiology at the University of California, San Francisco, side effects of steroids. "There are times when doctors give testosterone, which is a great hormone, and then they have their patient in the morning and they have them on some kind of an anti-androgen therapy. Is that something they would do at some point at some time, anabolic steroids pros and cons? Probably not, anabolic steroids quizlet."