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This section includes: 

Courses Taught

TA Support

RLS Coordinator Work


EDEC 262:

Medial, Technology & Education

Overview Curriculum and Instruction : Orientation to the equipment and systems of educational technology. Examination of theories of educational technology, media education and technology education and the exploration and development of possible applications in school settings.

Terms Taught: Winter 2020 (2 sections) & Winter 2021 (2 sections)

Technology Class

EDEC 201 & EDSL 210 




A digital catalogue of your projects, assignments, over the course of your journey will benefit you.

1. Everything you want to showcase is in one place

2. Web publication forces you to pair down exemplars and write tersely

3. As you curate your experiences and reflect on what you have begun, your identity as a burgeoning educator takes further shape

4. Your body of work should help to inform your ideal student placement focus as well as your initial areas of employment interest


In my experience in schools: students, curricular units, programs, and departments organize around online platforms.

Your work designing an e-portfolio has direct implications for your work in the classroom

A. Teachers have a class site that incorporate the core practices of site creation/maintenance

B. Students create and maintain mini-sites: demonstrating standards progress, to house project work, and to satisfy third party validation (Ib, AP)

C. Educational Technology (real time/ formative assessments ) connect with most hosting providers

Image by Christopher Gower


Support for DISE Faculty & Instructors

RLS aims to:

● Curate sources of guidance on remote instruction

○ signpost technologies of note connected to teaching and learning at DISE

○ explain relevant videoconference, software, apps for education and hardware

○ continue the work of Professor Harvey, initially on this g-document and eventually migrate to a page in the McGill/DISE website

● Initiate and maintain a dialogue with professors, instructors and student learners

○ ascertain what is working or not, through various modes of inquiry

○ troubleshoot problematic areas, offer extension to successful practices

○ share best practices, and generalized student feedback

● Serve as a resource to DISE professors, instructors and teams of educators

○ provide 1:1 assistance in remote course: redesign, class activities, assessment

○ as remote support through Fall Term 2020, Winter 2020 format TBD

Image by Chris Montgomery
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